Archive - #2/2016Summary & References Mkhitaryan Y.I. Improvement of civil regulation of construction branch and protection of activity of persons of law The author considers improvement of activity of self-regulatory organizations as the priority direction of administrative reform in all spheres of economy. However development of self-regulation faces insufficient study of the theory of self-regulation and legal regulation. The main problems of self-regulation of construction branch are connected with insufficient efficiency and discrepancy of rules of law, obligatory to execution. The rules of law entered by the Federal law No. 372-FZ of 03.07.2016 for obtaining the status of self-regulatory organization in construction branch limit the civil rights of associations (unions), businessmen, freedom of economic activity, contradict the fundamental principles of legal regulation of the public relations, market economy in the conditions of the social state. The author makes a number of suggestions for improvement of civil regulation in construction branch that will allow to provide protection of activity of persons of law, efficiency and competitiveness of the Russian economy. Keywords: self-regulation, self-regulatory organizations in construction branch, legal regulation, restriction of freedom of economic activity.
Spiridonov V.N., Dolzhenko T.A. To a question of theoretical bases of self-regulation The institute of self-regulation functions in Russia since 2007. However, the thorough base under this institute is not created. Besides, without due study in 2016 the amendments to the Town-planning Сode raising the questions of self-regulation, which caused many notes and negative comments are adopted. At the same time, it should be noted that the direction of self-regulation in the conditions of market economy doesn't have an alternative, it should be developed. Serious work on enhancement of economic model of self-regulation is required. It is necessary to create the strong scientific and legal base under this model. Keywords: Theoretical bases, self-regulation, economic model, self-regulatory organization, scientific approach, efficiency of economic model, standardization, voluntary self-regulatory organization, innovative development.
Kuzovkova T.A.,Sharavova O.I. Reasons for the formation of new business models in the field of Info communications Based on the systematization of the most important trends of scientific and technical development of information and communication, identify the effects of the convergence of communications and Informatics explains the transition from a single model of production and consumption of services integral to the business models based on sharing a common process in manufacturing and service activities. Keywords: communications; information communications; convergence; ICT services; the organizational business model.
Nanakina Yu.S. Regional and city roles of households as active subjects of the economic relations In this article features of formation of consumer processes of house farms in the region of special type are investigated. Here household roles in the region are staticized and the major regional factors that have direct impact on an image of consumer activity of house farms are defined. Keywords: region, city way of life, regional roles of house farms, regional factors and conditions.
Vorontsov Y.A.,Kozinets A.V. An example of the construction of a distributed information system for AJAX using PHP and IIS (Internet Information Services) The article describes an example of building of a distributed information system (RIS) with AJAX approach. As the implementation uses the scripting language PHP and the web server IIS (Internet Information Services) included with server operating systems family of Windows. In constructing the infrastructure of information systems applied virtualization VMware. Keywords: distributed information systems; web services; PHP; Internet Information Services.
Kuzovkov A.D. The integrated expert assessment method of socio-economic efficiency of application of information and communication technologies The article reveals a new approach to assessing socio-economic efficiency of application of information and communication technologies, taking into account multiple manifestations of the effect and consequences through the application of integral expert method, consisting in scoring the assessment parameters and of calculation of the integral coefficient of efficiency. Keywords: information and communication technology; assessment; socio-economic efficiency; integrally-expert method. |