
Editorial board

Mkhitaryan Yury Ivanovich - Doctor of Economics, the CEO of Scientific Research Institute of Economy of Communication and Informatics “Interecoms”

Deputy chief editors
Kazakova Natalya Evgenyevna - Candidate of psychological sciences, the Vice rector, OChU DPO the International institute of quality of business

Timokhina Olga Vladimirovna

Editorial Board


Avdiysky Vladimir Ivanovich

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Dean of the Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation", Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation


Adzhemov Artem Sergeyevich Doctor of Sciences, Рrofessor President of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics


Aliyev Tigran Tigranovich

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Head of the Department of Copyright, Related Rights and Private Law Disciplines of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RGAIS)


Aslakhanov Aslambek Akhmedovich

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

State councilor of the I class, Honored worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Major General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, President of the All-Russian public organization "Association of Employees of Law Enforcement Agencies and Intelligence Agencies of the Russian Federation"


Basin Efim Vladimirovich

Doctor of Economic Sciences

The Chairman of the Committee on business in the sphere of construction of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation


Bogdan Varvara Vladimirovna

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Head of the Department of Civil Law, FSBEI HE "Southwestern State University," Associate Dean, Faculty of Law


Bulgak Vladimir Borisovich

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Chief Scientific Advisor to the President of JSC Telecom, Professor at the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics. Vice-President of the National Association of Telecommunications Companies "Regulation of the Quality of Information Communications" (NA "RKI")


Viktorov Mikhail Yuryevich

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Рrofessor

The First Deputy CEO "KOALKO – Development"


Vronets Aleksandr Petrovich-

Candidate of Economic Sciences

CEO of SROS "ProyektSvyazTelekom"


Golomolzin Anatoly Nikolaevich

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Advisor to the President of Transcontainer PJSC, «Delo» Group of Companies on antimonopoly issues


Goldstein Boris Solomonovich

Doctor of Sciences, Professor

Head of the department of Infocommunication Systems of the Federal Bonch-Bruevich Telecommunication University Saint Petersburg, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ekran Group of companies


Gushchin VasiliyVasilievich

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Professor of the Department of Copyright, Related Rights and Private Law Disciplines of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RGAIS)


Dvorkovich Victor Pavlovich

Doctor of Sciences, Professor

Head of the department of Multimedia Technology and Telecom Department, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


Deryugina Tatiana Viktorovna

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Professor, Department of Civil and Labor Law, Civil Process, FSKEI HE "Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Ya. Kikotya"


Dolinskaya Vladimira Vladimirovna

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Professor, Department of Civil Law, Moscow State Law University. O.E. Kutafina (MGUA), member of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation


Ivanov Oleg Anatolievich

Doctor of Military Sciences

Acting General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Order of the Red Banner of Labor Russian Research Institute of Radio named after M.I. Krivosheev" (FSUE NIIR)


Ivashchenko Natalia Pavlovna

Doctor of Economic Sciences

Deputy dean of Economics department for interfaculty interaction and innovative activity, Department chair of Economy of innovations of Lomonosov Moscow State University


Ilyushina Marina Nikolayevna

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Head of the Department of Civil and Business Law of the All-Russian State University of Justice, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation


Kapinus Nikolay Ivanovich

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Vice-president of the Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia, full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Bar and Notary and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Vice President of the National Association of Prospectors and Designers (NOPRIZ), Chairman of the NOPRIZ Self-Regulation Committee, Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation


Kolotov Yury Olegovich

Doctor of Economic Sciences

Vice rector for Economy, Finance and Development, professor of Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI)


Krupnov Alexander Evgenyevich

Candidate of Technical Sciences

President of PJSC VimpelCom. Member of the Council of SROS "ProyektSvyazTelekom"


Kuzovkova Tatiana Alekseevna

Doctor of Economic Sciences

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences


Makarov Vladimir Vasilyevich

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Рrofessor

Head of the Department of Economy and Management in Communication of the Federal Bonch-Bruevich Telecommunication University Saint Petersburg, the Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, the Academician of the International Academy of Communication


Mogilevsky Stanislav Dmitrievich

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Director of Institute of the right and national security of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, dean of law department of M.M. Speransky, Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation


Morozov Sergey Yuryevich

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Professor, Department of Civil Law and Process, FSBEI HE "Ulyanovsk State University," Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation


Mukhitdinov Nursultan Nuridinovich

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Executive director of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications


Mkhitarian Alexander Yuryevich

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Leading Scientific Specialist of Scientific Research Institute “Interecoms”

  Nanakina Yulia Sergeevna Candidate of Economic Sciences Associate Professor, Department of Technology, Economics and Service, Shuya Branch of Ivanovo State University


Okrepilov Vladimir Valentinovich

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Рrofessor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

CEO of the State Regional Centre for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region


Pinchuk Victor Nikolaevich

Doctor of Economics

The First Deputy CEO of Federal State Unitary Enterprise RTRS on management, operation and development of network


Ponomarenko Boris Fedoseevich

Doctor of Sciences

Member of the Council of SROS "ProyektSvyazTelekom"


Romanovskaya Olga Valentinovna

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Head of the Department of State-Legal Disciplines of Penza State University


Rudenko Galina Georgiyevna

Doctor of Economics

The Scientific Secretary, professor of the Department of Labor Economy and Personnel Management in Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow)


Sagdullaev Yury Sagdullaevich

Doctor of Sciences, Рrofessor

Chief Researcher, Moscow Research Television Institute CJSC


Salyutina Tatiana Yuryevna

Doctor of Economics

Head of the Department "Digital Economics, Management and Business Technologies" of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics


Satdikova Roza Iosifovna

Doctor of Law, Рrofessor

Professor, Department of Business and Energy Law, Kazan Federal University, expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Spiridonov Victor Nikolaevich Candidate of Technical Sciences General director of SRO NP «Water Well Drillers Association»


Stegniyenko Lyubov Konstantinovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Deputy CEO for scientific work of Scientific Research Institute “Interecoms”


Tymoshenko Lyubov Stepanovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Executive director of SROS "ProyektSvyazTelekom",  Honored Economist of the Russian Federation


Tulyakov Yuri Mihaiylovich

Doctor of Sciences

Deputy director on scientific and study of the Volga-Vyatka of Branch of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI)